>> 高等继续教育 / 护理管理学
Directions: The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing.Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words.Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided. Different Types of Parents It is universally true that all parents in the world love their children. However, as parents' views of life vary, they love their children in different ways. Generally speaking, in terms of how they treat their children, parents fall into three basic types: autocratic, democratic, and permissive. The autocratic parent's word is the law. He always sets rules, expecting complete obedience from his children. He assumes that he knows what is best for his children and that they will learn discipline and respect for authority from his orders. He does not realize that he may not know best and that rules without mercy may breed contempt for authority. If the child came home late from a party because a major accident on the highway tied up traffic for miles, this parent would not allow the child to explain his reasons for being late. The child would be immediately punished. This kind of parent probably has good intentions, wanting his child to grow up “right,” but his approach to the task may lead to conflicts. The democratic parent is not so strict. He is willing to discuss rules with his children and listen to their side of an argument. If his child came home an hour late from a party, he would listen to the explanation instead of punishing the child immediately. In general, the democratic parent lays down fewer rules than his autocratic counterpart because he realizes children must learn certain things in life on their own. He prefers to play the role of an advisor and is always available when his children need help. Too few people with children are democratic parents, which is the best of the three types. Too much or too little authority often breeds disrespect and resentment. A good parent should offer guidance and advice; he should not try to rule his children or disregard his children completely.河南理工大学 关于力对点的矩的说法( )是错误的A.力对点的矩不会因为力矢沿其作用线移动而改变B.互相平衡的两个力,对同一点的矩的代数和等于零C.力对点的矩与力的大小和方向有关,而与矩心位置无关D.力的数值为零,或力的作用线通过矩心时,力矩为零工程力学 A: Need you go yet? B: Yes, I need. 大学英语专一 患者,男性,65岁,有高血压病史30余年,并有糖尿病病史10年,有长期吸烟史,情绪激动后出现鼾睡,呼之不醒,送到医院急诊,检查发现患者意识不清,瞳孔缩小,双眼凝视一侧,一侧肢体偏瘫,血压180/90mmHg,呼吸24次/min,心率98次/min,初步诊断为脑出血。如果要确定诊断,最有价值的检查是内科护理学 中国民族区域自治的地方,既不是“独立自治”、“自治邦”,也不是一般意义上的地方自治。
当代中国政治制度 《吊屈原赋》的作者是 。 古代汉语