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 国家开放大学 / 电工学


  • 根据写作要求,参考写作提示和写作范例,到论坛中完成写作练习。 写作要求 Think of some experience you have had, something which have left very deep impression on you, or some people you have met, from whom you have learned some lessons. Write a short passage about this experience. 写作提示 For this kind of writing, what you need to work on is just your memory. You need to try to remember some experience which has touched your heart and soul. Before you write, don't forget to describe the small details that can show people's personality or characteristics. Also, remember, you are going to tell people something in order to move them as well.综合英语(1)
  • 在传感器的基本特性中,瞬态响应特性是其动态特性之一。传感与检测技术
  • http://sichuan.ouchn.cn/theme/image.php/blueonionres/core/1617952675/s/egg社会学概论
  • 信息的特征指的是信息区别于其他事物所特有的想象。信息管理概论
  • 除了历史一循环论,关于社会变迁的理论还有社会进化论和( )。a.社会均衡论b.社会革命论c.社会平衡论d.社会变革论公务员制度讲座
  • 普通话的韵母有39个,主要由( )构成。鼻音边音元音辅音教师口语