高等继续教育 / 计算机统考
高等继续教育 / 计算机统考
行政复议依法对具体行政行为审查的是:( )
23、A FOX one day fell into a deep well and could find no way out. A thirsty Goat, came to the same well, seeing the Fox, asked if the water was good. "It's wonderful," shouted the fox _ _ 21 _ _ the bottom of the well. "Come on down." The Goat, thinking only of his thirst, jumped down, but just as he drank, he realized he was trapped!! The Fox had an idea. "If," said he, "you will place your forefeet(前足) _ _ 22 _ _ the wall and bend your head, I will run up your back and escape, and will help you out afterwards." The Goat agreed and the Fox leaped upon his back. Steadying himself with the Goat's horns, he safely _ _ 23 _ _ the top of the well and ran off as _ _ 24 _ _ as he could. "What about me?" shouted the Goat from the bottom of the well. _ _ 25 _ _ the Fox was long gone, and the Goat was very upset. Look before you leap.
题型描述: 十选项完形填空It was a busy morning, about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I saw him _ _ _ _ _ _ his watch and told the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment at 9:30. I decided, since I was not busy, my patient didn’t _ _ _ _ _ _ at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound.Meanwhile, the gentleman told me that he needed to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his wife and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be worried if he was a bit late. He replied that she _ _ _ _ _ _ knew who he was,that she had not been able to recognize him for five years now. I was moved, and asked him, “And you still go every morning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?”He smiled and said. “She doesn’t know me but I know who she is.” Now I realize that in marriages true love is acceptance of all, that the happiest people don’t _ _ _ _ _ _ have the best of everything; they just _ _ _ _ _ _ the best of everything they have. Life isn’t about how to live through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.1、 A. make B. turn up E. no longer C. looking at D. necessarily 2、 A. turn up E. no longer B. necessarily C. looking at D. make 3、 A. looking at B. turn up E. no longer C. necessarily D. make 4、 A. looking at B. turn up E. no longer C. necessarily D. make 5、 A. looking at B. turn up E. no longer C. necessarily D. make
为了利于安全和达到快速疏散的目的,有的公共建筑往往需要设置坡道,坡道的坡度一般为 。 (A)10~15%(B)10~12%(C)10%(D)8[参考答案:D] 分值:10得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年5月17日 0点26分
法律部门有实体法与程序法之分。下列属于程序法的是( )(A) 《中华人民共和国婚姻法》 (B) 《中华人民共和国教育法》 (C) 《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》 (D) 《中华人民共和国仲裁法》
40、Jessie lived in the country, but one year she decided to visit the capital city to do some shopping and to see the sights. She stayed at a hotel near the central market. She had seldom been to the city before, and was very excited about what she would find. On the first morning of her visit, as she walked from the hotel to the market, she passed a beggar. He was holding up a notice which said, “Blind from birth. Please give generously.” Jessie felt sorry for the blind beggar and she bent down and put a dollar coin into his bowl. “Thank you,” he said. On the third day, however, Jessie did not have a dollar coin. She had only fifty cents, so she dropped this into the beggar's bowl. “What have I done wrong?” the beggar said, “Why are you so stingy (吝啬) today?” Jessie was very surprised by what the beggar said. “How do you know I haven't given you a dollar?” she said “If you are blind,you can't know what coin I put into your bowl.” “Ah,” explained the beggar,“ the truth is I'm not blind. I'm just looking after this place for the regular beggar while he's on holiday.” “On holiday!” Jessie exclaimed. “And what exactly does your blind friend do on holiday?” “He goes into the country,” the man said, “and takes photographs. He's a very good photographer.”
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