1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 经济法实务
 高等继续教育 / 经济法实务

题型描述: 判断题
  • 创业机会是指创业者可以利用的( ) 创业教育
  • 工程监理人员认为工程施工不符合工程设计要求、施工技术标准和合同约定的,有权要求( )改正。 国家开放大学
  • EDI的英文全称为:第三方物流
  • That’s why I leave this stage tonight even more optimistic about this country than I was when we started. Because I know our work has not only helped so many Americans; it has inspired so many Americans – especially so many young people out there – to believe you can make a difference; to hitch your wagon to something bigger than yourselves. This generation coming up – unselfish, altruistic, creative, patriotic – I’ve seen you in every corner of the country. You believe in a fair, just, inclusive America; you know that constant change has been America’s hallmark, something not to fear but to embrace, and you are willing to carry this hard work of democracy forward. You’ll soon outnumber any of us, and I believe as a result that the future is in good hands.英汉翻译
  • 根据我国《行政诉讼法》的规定,中级人民法院对哪些行政案件拥有一审管辖权(     )?行政法与行政诉讼法
  • 在网络计划中,若某项工作的( )最小,则该工作必为关键工作。 建设工程项目管理