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 高等继续教育 / 教育经济学


  • 93、计算机的系统总线是计算机各部件间传递信息的公共通道,由______组成。 A.数据总线和前段总线 B.数据总线、控制总线和地址总线 C.主板总线和数据总线 D.地址总线和控制总线计算机统考
  • 品牌在当下的国际环境中,更倾向于选用全球化与本土化战略的结合。 ( )正确错误品牌管理
  • [简答题] 描述表达基本加工逻辑功能的结构化工具有哪些特点?软件工程
  • 幼儿园实施家长工作的原则的前提是(    ) a.关注差异b.责任分担c.互惠互助d.平等尊重学前教育学
  • 题型描述: 十选项完形填空Homesickness is very common among students away from home – even those who had previously been away at overnight camp or traveled far away. There is a difference between being away from home for 8 weeks and being gone for 8 months. There is also a difference between _ _ _ _ home for a while (knowing you will be going back) and leaving _ _ _ _ (knowing you may never return). Feeling homesick does not make you less mature or mean you are not ready to be _ _ _ _ . If you feel homesick, talk to your friends at school about it. _ _ _ _ they are feeling the same way. _ _ _ _ family and friends back home, but make sure you _ _ _ _ new relationships at school. If your homesickness does not _ _ _ _ and does not seem to be getting better after a few months at school, speaking with an adviser might help. Also, remember that going home for the first visit may be difficult _ _ _ _ changes in yourself or your family. Old conflicts do not just disappear once you go to college, and new ones may _ _ _ _ . Again, if things are too stressful for you _ _ _ _ handle along, talk to an adviser.1、 A. heading for B. leaving C. abandoning D. being away 2、 A. all the time B. temporarily C. forever D. for a short time 3、 A. on your own B. yourself C. of your own D. lonely 4、 A. Make sure B. Most likely C. It’s lucky D. It’s impossible 5、 A. Keep in touch with B. Keep contact in C. Communicate D. Contact with 6、 A. do B. have built C. formed D. develop 7、 A. go over B. go away C. go with D. go through 8、 A. because of B. thanks to C. because D. because of 9、 A. rise B. appear C. rise D. raise 10、 A. too B. to C. not D. so统考英语A
  • 10[多选题] 行政机关的诉讼代理人不能向法院提出与本诉的诉讼标的和理由有牵连的反诉请求 ,某个体经营户不服工商行政管理部门作出的罚款处罚,提起行政诉讼,在诉讼中 ()。 A.原告是该个体经营户 B.被告是工商行政管理部门 C.都正确 D.以上都不正确律师实务