1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 药理学(护理专)
 高等继续教育 / 药理学(护理专)

题型描述: 填空题
哌替啶在治疗胆绞痛时常和 1 ____合用,因为后者可以 2____胆道平滑肌。
  • 下列各项内容中,不应计入管理费用的有( )。 基础会计学
  • 12[名词解释题] 教育传播效果 教育技术
  • 单室模型的药物其在体内的分布时间可忽略。生物药剂与药物动力学
  • 将二进制数(1101001)2  转换成对应的八进制数是      。 单片机原理与应用
  • 手稿文属于下列哪种类型的文献? ( )医学信息检索
  • 1. How delicious the soup _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (taste)!2. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (have) a bath when the phone rang.3. Please come another time. The Dean _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) to the post office.4. Try again and you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (pass) the test, I’m sure.5. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (wait) for you at the cinema at six tomorrow evening.6. So far the workers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (build) twelve bridges.7. She left the office when she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (type) the documents.8. He said he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) here as soon as he was wanted9. - You look tired!- Yes, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (write) letters since breakfast.10. They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (cross) the river by lunch time if they can find a ferry boat.大学英语语法