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 国家开放大学 / 经济数学基础12

下列函数在指定区间上单调增加的是( ).

  • 甲、乙于2007年9月8日达成一致,甲将其所有的电脑以1500元的价格转让于乙,乙当日即付清价款。但因甲尚有相关文件未完成,还需使用电脑一周,所以乙当日并未将电脑搬走。乙于9月14日去搬电脑时,甲对乙表示因文件还未完成,反正电脑已经是乙的了,希望租用电脑一段时间,乙表示同意。下列说法正确的有: 物权法学
  • 肺换气是指 生理学(影像)
  • 6[阅读题] When you go on your job interview ( 面试 ) ,be sure to dress well,be on time,do your research and NEVER ask any of the following questions:1. "How quickly could I be promoted ( 晋升 ) ?An employer first of all wants an employee to be happy with the position they have. Ambition( 抱负 ) is good, but there is a time and place to discuss promotion, and it' s not during an interview. 2. "Will I be able to work from home" This is basically telling your future boss--before you' ve even started---that you" re too lazy. to come into the office. 3. "How much vacation time does this position offer?" Although this could be asked, this is the type of information you should get AFIER you've been offered a position and not before. 4. "Will I have to work with a team?" Almost all jobs need some kind of teamwork, so any sign that you are not a ~ team player will leave you with unfavorable points in an employer' s eyes. 5. "Does this position come with a handsome pay.The pay is usually discussed after a position has been offered. If an employer offers this subject,feel free to discuss it. Otherwise, try not to look like you are interested only in things for your own good. An employer will more readily hire someone interested in bettering themselves and the company as a whole. 1. An employer usually expects an employee to be() A. hungry for promotion B. satisfied with the vacation C. pleased with the position D. curious about the workplace 2. Asking to work from home may make your future boss think that () A. you want to stay away from your boss B. you work better at home C. you' re unwilling to meet others D. you' re too lazy to come into the office 3. When can you offer the subject of pay? () A. Before you ask about teamwork. B. After you get the job. C. At the end of your interview. D. At the beginning of your interview. 4. What might be the best title of this text? () A. Questions Not to Ask in a Job Interview B. How to Dress for a Job Interview C. Clever Answers to Interview Questions D. Proper Time for a Job Interview专升本英语1
  • 若用如下的SQL语句创建了一个表SC:CREATETABLESC(S#CHAR(6)NOTNULL,C#CHAR(3)NOTNULL,SCOREINTEGER,NOTECHAR(20));向SC表插入如下行时,()行可以被插入。 A.(’201009’,’111’,60,必修) B.(’200823’,’101’,NULL,NULL) C.(NULL,’103’,80,’选修’) D.(’201132’,NULL,86,’’) E.数据库应用
  •  将如图电路化简为一个电压源U S和电阻R S串联的最简等效电路,其中U S和R S分别为 A.US=2V,RS=1Ω B.US=1V,RS=2Ω C.US=2V,RS=0.5Ω D.US=1V,RS=1Ω电工电子技术
  • 审查资料是否符合原设计的要求,这种审查称为真实性审查 准确性审查 适用性审查 一致性审查汽车市场调查与预测