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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语阅读理解

Lovely dog aged 5
I’m moving and can’t take him with me .Very good with children. I’d like to give it away to a good home.
Welcome to HiLo’s Store
Take any ole pair of shoes to us between now and 30 Sep.And you will pay not more than ten dollars for any new pair of shoes.Your old shoes will be given to the poor people.
A women’s dress size 12 silk $ 150
Also three dresses for girls between 5and 9 years old,$120 the three.
More information call Laura at 5998326.

  • 《我的世界观》阐述了爱因斯坦的()(A) 教育思想 (B) 政治思想 (C) 宗教感情 (D) 科学贡献大学语文
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