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西方教育史上,提出“泛智教育”和普及初等教育的主张,并对班级授课制做出系统阐述的著作是(     )。

  • A、


  • B、


  • C、


  • D、


  • 下列病毒中可以引起潜伏感染的是: A、 麻疹病毒 B、 疱疹病毒 C、 风疹病毒 D、 乙型肝炎病毒 E、 乙型脑炎病毒病原生物学
  • [填空题] 胃肠道的并发症多发生在_____营养支持方式中。基础营养学
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解Today, roller skating is easy and fun. But a long time ago, it wasnˊt easy at all. Before 1750, the idea of skating didnˊt exist. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlinˊs work was making musical instruments. In his spare time he liked to play the violin. Joseph Merlin was a man of ideas and dreams. People called him a dreamer. One day Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball. He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room. Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skates. Merlin was very proud of his invention and dreamed of arriving at the party on wheels while playing the violin. On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was astonished to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on. Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror, breaking to pieces. Nobody forgot Merlinˊs grand entrance for a long time!1、 The text is mainly about how people enjoyed themselves in the 18th century. A. T B. F 2、 People thought Merlin was a dreamer because he was full of imagination. A. F B. T 3、 Merlin put wheels under his shoes to give the people at the party a surprise. A. F B. T 4、 Merlin ran into the room and was knocked down by the wall. A. F B. T 5、 The last paragraph told us Merlinˊs roller skates needed to be improved. A. T B. F统考英语B
  • 关于《国语》正确的是()A、应该不是出自一时一人之手B、以记言为主,记事为辅C、将勾践灭吴的故事刻画十分生动D、首创了分国体中国古代文学(I)先唐
  • 在Excel 2010的工作表中,按下Delete键将清除被选区域中所有单元格的( )。 计算机应用基础
  • 混凝土徐变是在没有外荷载作用下形成的( ) 建筑结构