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 成人高等教育 / 形势与政策

2020 年 2 月 23 日习近平在统筹推进新冠肺炎疫情防控和经济社会发展工作部署会议上指出:要实施好( )优先政策,根据就业形势变化调整政策力度, 减负、稳岗、扩就业并举,抓好社保费阶段性减免、失业保险稳岗返还、就业补贴等政策落地,针对部分企业缺工严重、稳岗压力大和重点群体就业难等突出矛盾,因地因企因人分类帮扶,提高政策精准性。
  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 59、计算机领域中,客观事物的属性表示为______。 A.模拟量 B.处理后数值 C.信息 D.数据计算机统考
  • 岑参边塞诗的内容主要包括? A、 描写战争场面 B、 表现思乡之情 C、 表现边地风光 D、 反映边地习俗中国古代文学(2)
  • A: Hello , Mary. You look hot.B: Yes , I am. _ _ _ _  a tennis lesson. 大学英语2
  • 1947年5月国统区爱国学生运动的主要斗争口号是A、反饥饿B、反迫害C、反独裁D、反内战中国近现代史纲要
  • 34、Many people keep small fish as pets. They keep them in a tank of water. The tank is made of clear glass. People can look through it. They can see inside the tank and watch the fish. The fish need room. They must not be crowded. Fish need oxygen (氧气) to breathe. Fish get it from water in the tank. There must be enough water for all fish. So the size of the tank is important. In the tank many people put small plants that are good for fish. They give oxygen to the water. Plants help in other ways,too. Fish can nibble (轻咬) on the plants. They hide among the plants and sleep,lay eggs there. The plants need light. Most fish need light too. The tank may be put near a window. It will get light there. Another place might be better,though. A window may let cold air in. The water in the tank may get too cold. The fish may die because cold water can kill them. So can hot water. The temperature must be just right. The fish need food and they should be fed every day. Giving them too much food is bad. The extra (额外的) food will fall to the bottom and make the water dirty. However,the fish should get just enough food. They should finish the food in 10 minutes. Nothing should be left. When this happens,the amount (数量) of food is right.统考英语阅读理解
  • 在下列账户中,与负债账户结构相同的是(   )账户的结构。(A) 资产 (B) 成本 (C) 费用 (D) 所有者权益会计学原理