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 河南成教 / 河南理工大学

  • 24. 受生产特点和管理要求的影响,在产品成本计算工作中有着下述几种不同的成本计算对象( )。   A、产品品种   B、产品类别   C、产品批别   D、产品生产步骤   E、产品性质中石油
  • 19[计算题] 企业为购建一生产线,向A银行借入长期借款800 000元,以银行存款支付工程价款 800 000元,完工前,银行转来建设期应支付利息17 000元,建成使用后,完工后至还款日之间应付借款利息23 000 元,该工程的借款按规定期末一次性归还,还款总额为840 000元。 要求:作出以上业务的会计分录。河南理工大学
  • 2、     There are some things about myself that I really like. First of all, I always make an effort to do my best. I never give up halfway without trying my best. For example, have practiced the piano for more than twelve years. And now I am learning English every day.    Secondly,I'm good at making people laugh. I feel happy when people smile a the things I do. I make friends with anyone easily and now I have a lot of friends.    Of course, I also have my weak points. I sometimes feel that I'm a bit selfish or careless. I want to overcome these faults and I believe this will make a man of me and people will love me better.21. What is NOT the author's character?                                  A. Always trying his bestB. Giving up halfway.C. Being good at making people laugh.D. Making friends easily.22. He has practiced the piano for _ _ _ _   _ _ _ .                                A. less than twelve years                   B. twelve yearsC. almost twelve years                      D. over twelve years23. He is now trying to       every day.                                 A. play the piano                             B. learn EnglishC. make friends                               D. overcome his faults24. He is now trying to overcome the fault of.                              A. making people laugh                   B. making too many friends beingC. being selfish or careless                D. being too proud or particular25. He feels       when people smile at the things he does.                   A. happy                                         B. angryC. selfish                                          D. careless 英语(一)
  • 题干唐初立法指导思想 , , 。答案:中国法制史
  • 简述实施软件开发的基本途径。软件工程
  • 旅行社组织中国内地居民出境旅游,可指定某一资深游客担任旅游团领队 旅游法规