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 国家开放大学 / 流体力学

1恒定二维流动的速度场为 ,其中-1。(1)论证流线方程为;(2)绘出C014m2的流线;(3)求出质点加速度的表达式。

  • 下列属于内隐行为的自我控制因素的是(  )。 a. 独立性b.坚持性c.对动机的控制d.对情感的控制学前儿童社会教育
  • 12、以下四组对多媒体计算机能处理的信息类型的描述中,最全面的一组是______。 A.文字,数字及音频信息 B.数字,图形及图像信息 C.文字,图像及动画信息 D.文字,数字,图形,图像,音频,视频及动画信息计算机统考
  • 关于心壁的正确说法是: 系统解剖学
  • 下列汉字都是多音字的一组是(         )   现代汉语
  • 24、Can trees talk? Yes, but not in words. Scientists have reason to believe that trees do communicate with each other. Not long ago, researchers learned some surprising things. First a willow tree attacked in the woods by caterpillars (毛虫) changed the chemistry of its leaves and made them taste so terrible that they got tired of the leaves and stopped eating them. Then even more astonishing, the tree sent out a special smell--a signal causing its neighbors to change the chemistry of their own leaves and make them less tasty. Communication, of course, doesn't need to be in words. We can talk to each other by smiling, raising our shoulders and moving our hands. We know that birds and animals use a whole vocabulary of songs, sounds, and movements. Bees dance their signals, flying in certain patterns that tell other bees where to find nectar (花蜜) for honey. So why shouldn't trees have ways of sending message?统考英语阅读理解
  • 93、在微型计算机中,字符编码中______应用最普遍。 A.BCD码 B.汉字编码 C.ASCII码 D.补码计算机统考