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 河南成教 / 美学

审美形态一旦生成就具有 (                )





  • 8.北宋教育家胡瑗的“苏湖教学法”一反当时重视诗赋歌律的学风,提倡经世致用的实学,重经义和时务,主张”明体达用“。他在校中设“经义”、“治事”两斋。                 (    ) 中外教育史
  • 中国最早创办的公立幼儿教育机构,是1903年湖北巡抚端方在武昌创立的幼稚园。正确错误学前教育史
  • 县级以上地方各级人民代表大会在条件成熟时可以直接召开,不需要预备会议。地方政府学
  • 2[阅读题]      There are some things about myself that I really like. First of all, I always make an effort to do my best. I never give up halfway without trying my best. For example, have practiced the piano for more than twelve years. And now I am learning English every day.    Secondly,I'm good at making people laugh. I feel happy when people smile a the things I do. I make friends with anyone easily and now I have a lot of friends.    Of course, I also have my weak points. I sometimes feel that I'm a bit selfish or careless. I want to overcome these faults and I believe this will make a man of me and people will love me better.21. What is NOT the author's character?                                  A. Always trying his bestB. Giving up halfway.C. Being good at making people laugh.D. Making friends easily.22. He has practiced the piano for____ ___.                                A. less than twelve years                   B. twelve yearsC. almost twelve years                      D. over twelve years23. He is now trying to       every day.                                 A. play the piano                             B. learn EnglishC. make friends                               D. overcome his faults24. He is now trying to overcome the fault of.                              A. making people laugh                   B. making too many friends beingC. being selfish or careless                D. being too proud or particular25. He feels       when people smile at the things he does.                   A. happy                                         B. angryC. selfish                                          D. careless 英语(一)
  • 【单项选择题】创造出一说谎鼻子就变长的木偶皮诺曹这一童话形象的作者的国籍就是(    ) 。   儿童文学
  • 当混凝土双向受力时,它的抗压强度随另一方向压应力的增大而( )。增加 减小 不变水工钢筋混凝土结构(本)