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 河南成教 / 文学概论


 “凡音之起,由人心生也。人心之动,物使之然也。这句话出自(           )。





  • [名词解释题] 齿顶隙建筑设备工程
  • 21[单选题] 人民法院收到当事人提出的破产申请后,应在收到破产申请之日起()日决定是否立案受理。 A.3 B.5 C.15 D.10商法
  • [单选题] 数据库管理系统具有的功能包括() A.查询、定义、数据操纵功能 B.查询、定义、数据操纵和控制功能 C.定义、数据操纵和控制功能 D.查询、数据操纵和控制功能管理信息系统
  • 常微分方程
  • 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. 00:00/01:20 Ming: Hey, listen to this. The average American watches four hours of TV a day. Jack: A day? You’re joking. Ming: No, it says so right here in this newspaper. Hmm, I guess you’re an average American, Jack. You always have your TV 1 (1). Jack: Come on. Are you saying I’m a 2 (2) potato? Ming: Yeah. I really think watching TV is a waste of 3 (3). Jack: Oh, come on. Some programs are bad, like those 4 (4) operas. But what about sports or the news? You watch those sometimes, don’t you? Ming: Well, actually, for the news, I 5 (5) the newspaper or the Internet. Jack: Why? Ming: First, because they give you a lot 6 (6) information. And I can read them any time I want. Plus, I hate all the commercials. Jack: I know what you mean. That’s why, when the commercials 7 (7) on, I just turn down the volume or change channels. Ming: Yeah, I noticed that. Channel 8 (8) drives me crazy. Jack: Okay, next time you come over, I’ll let you have the remote 9 (9). Ming: Oh, that’s so sweet. But I have a better idea. Next time I come over, let’s just turn the TV 10 (10).高级英语听说(1)
  • 第一审刑事判决书的首部除制作机关名称、文书名称以及编号之外,应依次写明的项目是( ) A.公诉机关、被告人、辩护人 B.公诉机关、被告人、辩护人、案件审判经过 C.公诉机关、被告人、辩护人、案件的由来和审判经过 D.被告人、辩护人、案件的由来和审判经过 E.司法文书学