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  • 38、配电网的潮流有什么特点?电力系统自动化
  • What are social factors that strongly influence mental disorder?护理英语II
  • 74[单选题] 视频设备不正确的描述是______。 A.用于使计算机发声的声卡 B.用于压缩视频信息视频压缩卡 C.用于在PC机上看电视电视卡 D.用于与数码摄像机相连,将DV影片采集到PC的硬盘DV卡计算机基础
  • 下列饭店部门中不属于业务部门的是_________。饭店经营与管理
  • 教学技能的发展过程是个体教师对已掌握的教学技能不断的进行教学实践、_______ 、完善创新的过程。课堂教学技能培养与训练
  • 1. While the train _ _ _ _ _ _ (still move), a great many men suddenly jumped out. I thought that something terrible was happening, so I ran away.2. I’d rather you _ _ _ _ _ _ (give) me a new one instead of having the old one repaired as you did.3. He spends all his spare time planting trees. He says by the end of next year he _ _ _ _ _ _ (plant) 2000.4. It is highly desirable that every effort _ _ _ _ _ _ (make) to reduce expenditure.5. It’s just struck midnight. It’s time we _ _ _ _ _ _ (go) to bed.6. Don’t take his remarks too seriously. He was so upset that I don’t think he really _ _ _ _ _ (know) what he was saying.7. Don’t you remember _ _ _ _ _ _ (meet) him at my house?8. It took me two hours _ _ _ _ _ _ (do) my homework.9.They believed that by using computers the production of their factory _ _ _ _ _ _ (increase) greatly.10. He is squatting beside a notice which _ _ _ _ _ _ (read) “No smoking”.大学英语语法