1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 英汉翻译(英语教育)
 高等继续教育 / 英汉翻译(英语教育)

题型描述: 单选题
A.They knew I was an actress, then they asked me to teach them to sing. They taught me to knit and gave me a book of patterns printed by the mill.
B.They knew I was an actress and asked me to teach them to sing. In turn they taught me to knit and gave me a book of patterns printed by the mill.
C.Known that I was an actress they asked me to teach them to sing, and in turn they taught me to knit and give me a book of patterns printed by the mill.
D.Knowing that I was an actress they asked me to teach them to sing, and in turn they taught me to knit and give me a book of patterns printed by the mill.
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