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 成人高等教育 / 计算机应用基础

在PowerPoil2010中,下列关于表格的说法错误的是( )。
  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 下列属于基本细分几何体的是() 三维动画制作
  • 机电一体化系统(产品)设计方案的常用方法 机电一体化概论
  • 48、从远程计算机拷贝文件到自己的计算机上称为______。 A.上传 B.共享 C.拷贝 D.下载计算机统考
  • 23、A FOX one day fell into a deep well and could find no way out. A thirsty Goat, came to the same well, seeing the Fox, asked if the water was good. "It's wonderful," shouted the fox _ _ 21 _ _ the bottom of the well. "Come on down." The Goat, thinking only of his thirst, jumped down, but just as he drank, he realized he was trapped!! The Fox had an idea. "If," said he, "you will place your forefeet(前足) _ _ 22 _ _ the wall and bend your head, I will run up your back and escape, and will help you out afterwards." The Goat agreed and the Fox leaped upon his back. Steadying himself with the Goat's horns, he safely _ _ 23 _ _ the top of the well and ran off as _ _ 24 _ _ as he could. "What about me?" shouted the Goat from the bottom of the well. _ _ 25 _ _ the Fox was long gone, and the Goat was very upset. Look before you leap.统考英语完型填空
  • 63、对计算机病毒,叙述正确的是______。 A.病毒没有文件名 B.病毒也是文件,故也有文件名 C.都破坏EXE文件 D.不破坏数据,只破坏程序文件计算机统考
  • A new situation is likely to _ _ _ _ when the school leaving age is raised to 16. A、 rise B、 arise C、 happen D、 raise英语(二)