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37. 若fp是指某文件的指针,且已读到文件的末尾,则表达式feof(fp)的返回值是NULL
  • 构件的强度要求,就是构件有足够的抵抗破坏的能力。 机械设计基础
  • 下列剧作中不属于洪深“农村三部曲”的作品是(    )。 中国现代文学
  • 魔幻现实主义的代表作家主要有______  、______  、______  、______  、______  、______  等。外国文学专题(本)
  • 9[填空题] ( ) 原则指的是要根据学前儿童具体基础和接受能力,区别对待,使每一个学前儿童都能在自己的基础上得到最好的发展。河南理工大学
  • 8[单选题] 全国人大代表共同审议通过《反分裂国家法》,这是全国人大在行驶 A.立法权 B.任免权 C.监督权 D.决定权河南理工大学
  • China’s economy is developing very quickly, and has brought with it a culture of consumption more prevalent (流行) with each passing day. At the same time, it has brought into being an educated group of young people who enjoy capitalist consumption way(资本主义消费模式). They’re used to spending money as soon as they get it every month, and so are called “the moon-light group”. This word came into being during the 1990s, to make fun of those born into wealth, who have received a high education, and who appreciate fast food culture.英语