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 河南成教 / 普通逻辑学

  • 5[填空题] Zora’s hometown had a/an _1_ Negro population and non-blacks were only ever seen passing _2_by the natives. The inhabitants_3_ the Southerners ride through while continuing to casually chew their sugar cane. Northerners, however, drove automobiles and _4_different to Negro eyes. Most of native blacks peered out of the window_5_ them while only the bravest _6_ courageous enough to stand outside and watch the strange tourists go past. An unusual girl named Zora enjoyed talking with the Northerners _7_, when she waved at them, often stopped. She would happily chat _8_the strangers, while_9_ them part of the way down the road, unless a family member appeared out of the house at which point the chat would be abruptly discontinued. To her at that time white people and black were only unlike to the _10_that whites did not live in her town. 1. A. entire             B. entirely            C. whole          D. complete 2. A. away             B. out                C. up             D. through 3. A. watched           B. made              C. warned         D. enjoyed 4. A. covered           B. discovered          C. appeared        D. disappeared 5. A. at                B. on                 C. in             D. for 6. A. was              B. were               C. be             D. being 7. A. who              B. whom              C. which          D. that 8. A. with              B. without            C. on             D. about 9. A. accomplishing      B. accompanying       C. admiring        D. affording 10. A. end               B. question            C. purpose        D. extent大学英语(二)
  • 社会保险基金的筹集来源包括__A、政府拨款B、政府补贴C、社会保险缴费D、社会投资E、社会捐赠F、基金的投资运营收益劳动与社会保障法学
  • 190、打印机作为计算机系统的常用输出设备,下列各项中输出速度最快的是______。 A.喷墨打印机 B.激光打印机 C.热敏打印机 D.点阵打印机计算机统考
  • 高层管理人员支付补充养老保险费18万元,缴纳商业保险费12万元,甲公司2021年度上述保险费在计算企业所得税应纳税所得额时准予扣除的金额为()268万元280万元262万元250万元纳税基础与实务
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  • 硫脲类的不良反应不包括药理学