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 高等继续教育 / 计算机专业英语

题型描述: 单选题
Anti-Virus protects your computer from viruses by ( ) your computerˊs memory and disk devices.
A. replacing
B. scanning
C. deleting
D. changing
  • 行政法的内容主要包括哪些行政法学
  • 5、Ever since the invention of television there hasn't been anything as begging to become a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as the Internet. A. means B. medium C. material D. media大学英语3
  • 无产阶级专政的最高原则是工人阶级领导。宪法学
  • 工具栏中的命令在菜单中都可以找到。VisualBasic程序设计
  • 夸美纽斯的《大教学论》是科学教育学的开端。()外国教育史
  • 15[名词解释题] 什么是 感抗? 河南理工大学