1.  >>  河南成教 / 水资源利用与保护
 河南成教 / 水资源利用与保护

县级以上地方人民政府应当采取措施,保障本行政区域内水工程,特别是水坝和堤防的安全,限期( ).水行政主管部门应当加强对水工程安全的监督管理





  • 计算方法
  • 从1984年到2015年6月,我国的存款准备金率调整了40次以上,其中2006 年7 月到2008 年7月调整19 次,其水平从8%到了17.5%,创历史新高(1984 年除外)。与之形成鲜明对比的是,西方国家却越来越少使用这一政策工具。试分析法定存款准备金率为何在中国备受欢迎却在西方国家备受冷落?中央银行学
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  • [单选题] When all or part of an order cannot be processed because the merchandise is temporarily out of stock or has been discontinued, which of the followings should not be done? A.Express appreciation for the order and identify it by the customer's order number or by date if the order is unnumbered B.Express regret that either all or some identified items cannot be shipped and state the reason C.Give a guarantee to the customer that the items will be shipped in time D.If one or more items have been discontinued, suggest an alternative for the customer商务英语
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