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 成人高等教育 / 课程与教学论

(  )是规范我国中小学教育的法定文件,是指导教师教学实践、评价学生学习结果的重要依据。

  • A、


  • B、


  • C、


  • D、


  • 3[单选题] 要缩短总工期,只有压缩()的时间。 A.关键项目 B.非关键项目 C.虚项目 D.都不对水利工程施工
  • 作风问题本质上是____。 A、 素质问题 B、 人性问题 C、 党性问题 D、 家风问题形势与政策1
  • 16、PowerPoint 2010“视图”选项卡中,可以进行___________。 A.设置幻灯片动画效果 B.选择放映幻灯片 C.设置幻灯片自定义播放 D.选择幻灯片母版视图计算机统考
  • 儿童发展心理学的研究对象是 儿童发展心理学
  • 为鼓励顾客购买更多物品,企业给那些大量购买产品的顾客的一种减价称为_______。 A.功能折扣 B.数量折扣 C.季节折扣 D.地点折扣 E.市场管理学
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解Have you ever listened to young children talking in the playground? They are always boasting. They say things like, "My Dad's car is bigger than your Dad's, "and "My Mom is smarter than yours." They particularly like to boast about their families.There were three little boys, Harry, Ted and Gavin, who were always boasting. Gavin was the worst. Everything about his family was always the best or the biggest or the most expensive.Whatever the others said, he could always go on better. One day when they were walking to school, Harry said, "My father had a bath twice a week," Ted spoke next. " That's nothing," he said. "Having a bath twice a week is dirty. My father has a bath every day twice a day." Ted looked at Gavin. Now it was his turn. But what could he say? " This time, " Ted thought, " I'm going to win." Gavin didn't know what to say. He couldn't say that his father had a bath three times a day. That was silly. He walked on in silence. Ted smiled at Harry,and Harry smiled back. They were sure that for once they had beaten Gavin. They reached the school gates. Still Gavin said nothing. They went into class. Morning break,lunch time and afternoon break all passed. Still Gavin said nothing. "We've won, " Ted said to Harry, but he spoke too soon. On the way home, Gavin said, "My Dad is so clean that he doesn't have to bathe at all."1、 "He spoke too soon" in the last paragraph means he was wrong. A. TRUE B. FALSE 2、 Ted's father often had a bath twice a day. A. FALSE B. TRUE 3、 Gavin boasted the most. A. FALSE B. TRUE 4、 Harry boasted about the number of times his father had a bath every week. A. TRUE B. FALSE 5、 According to the passage,the meaning of the word "boast" is " to talk big ". A. FALSE B. TRUE统考英语B