1.  >>  国家开放大学 / 西方经济学(本)
 国家开放大学 / 西方经济学(本)

总供给的构成是(    )  

A. 净出口
B. 居民的消费
C. 居民的储蓄
D. 政府的税收
E. 进口物品
  • 桥面铺装的类型有 (),()和() 。桥梁工程
  • 在开放经济中,国内支出(即国内总需求)与对国内产品支出(即对国内产品总需求)是两个不同的概念。 西方经济学
  • 吸光物质的摩尔吸光系数与吸光物质浓度有关。 仪器分析
  • 当存在( ),建议学精专业知识。专业包容职业的关系职业包容专业的关系专业与职业部分重合的关系专业与职业无关联国家开放大学
  • 下列各项中,属于书证的有(    )。 证据法原理与实务
  • It was 6:45. The train I was traveling on was half an hour late. And there were still two stops before me. I had planned to arrive in London at 7:00 and catch the 7:25 coach(长途汽车)to Paris. Hopelessly, I turned to a kind-looking passenger for a suggestion. "Why not get off at the next stop and take a taxi? It may save you some time." "Great!" I jumped off as the train just stopped and rushed to a taxi. It was almost 7:25 when we stopped at the London Coach Station. (长途汽车站) There were two coaches there. Almost without thinking, I jumped on to the coach that was starting .As I sank into a seat and looked through the window, the other coach over-passed ours at a great speed. Two black words flew over my wide –open eyes: London-Paris.英语(一)