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 河南成教 / 数据结构

将两个递增的有序链表合并为一个递增的有序链表。要求结果链表仍使用原来两个链表的存储空间, 不另外占用其它的存储空间。表中不允许有重复的数据。
  • 19[单选题] 依据《治安管理处罚法》的规定,公安机关对醉酒的人进行人身强制拘束,公安机关的行政行为(      ) A.即时生效 B.受领生效 C.告知生效 D.附条件生效行政法学
  • 从局部或短期看,价格可能低于或高于价值,但从一个较长时期或全社会看,商品的总价格和总价值仍然是相等的 马克思主义基本原理
  • 数据字典是系统中各类数据描述的集合。 数据库原理与应用
  • 下列关于设计标准说法有误的一项是( )。优秀的设计标准规范不利于降低投资,缩短工期 设计标准是对设计所作的统一规定,它以科学试验及实践经验为基础 设计标准与项目投资控制密不可分  设计标准规范一经颁布,就是技术法规,在设计工作中必须执行建设监理
  • 11、 设有数组A[i,j],数组的每个元素长度为3字节,i的值为1到8,j的值为1到10,数组从内存首地址BA开始顺序存放,当用以列为主存放时,元素A[5,8]的存储首地址为( )。 A.BA 141 B.BA 180 C.BA 222 D.BA 225数据结构
  • 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. 00:00/01:30 Kenji: Peter, are you going downtown today? Peter: Uh-huh. Why? Kenji: Can you give me a 1 (1)? I have to run some errands. Peter: Where do you need to go? Kenji: Uh, a lot of places. First, I have to go to the bank. Could you drop me 2 (2)at the Corner of King Boulevard and Second Avenue? Peter: King and Second? Oh, sure. I know where that is. But why are you going to the Bank? Why don’t you use the 3 (3) machine on campus? Kenji: ’cause my debit card isn’t working. I’ve got to get a new one. And the cleaner’s next 4 (4) to the bank. I have to pick up some clothes there anyway. Peter: Why don’t you use the 5 (5) room here in the building? Kenji: I’m not picking up laundry. It’s dry cleaning. By the way, is there a computer repair shop near there? I need to drop off my 6 (6)? Peter: Computer repair? Oh, yeah. There’s a Good Buy across the street from the bank. They 7 (7) computers there. Kenji: Oh, that’s convenient. So what are you going to do downtown? Peter: I’m going to the courthouse. I’ve got to pay a 8 (8)ticket. Kenji: No kidding! I have to pay a ticket, too. I just got a ticket last week. Peter: But, Kenji, you don’t drive! Kenji: I know. I got a ticket for 9 (9)! Peter: Really? Kenji: Yeah. I didn’t know it’s 10 (10) to cross in the middle of the street!高级英语听说(1)