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下列哪种试剂是测定水耗氧量的常用的氧化剂( )。





  • 19[多选题] 驳论的方法有(      )。 A.驳论点 B.驳论证 C.驳论据 D.反证法河南理工大学
  • 1[阅读题] Learning the language of a country isn't enough. If you know the manners of your foreign friends, you will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India should remember it is impolite there to use the left hand for passing food at the table. The left hand is for washing yourself. Also in India, you might see a man shaking his head at another to show that he is disagreeing. But in many parts of India a side-to-side movement of the head is to show agreement. In Bulgaria you shake your head to show "yes"—a nod shows "no". In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs while sitting and talking to someone, even at an important meeting. But doing this could cause offence to a Thailander. Touching the head of a grown-up is also not done in Thailand. Knowing about manners is useful when you are traveling, and you also need to know the language used to express the customs. 1. If you are staying in India, you'd better      . 英语
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  • 题型描述: 听力一A. Listen to the music.B. Dance to the music.C. Take a walk.D. Give a performance.英语听力I
  • 15[论述题] Talk about the features of A Modest Proposal by Swift..英国文学史
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