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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语B

题型描述: 单选题

He was about _____ home when the phone rang.

  • 39、FTP的使用目标不包括______。 A.提高文件共享性 B.提高文件机密性 C.提供非直接使用远程计算机 D.使存储介质对用户透明和可靠高效传送数据计算机统考
  • 下列关于神经纤维传导速度的描述,正确的是 A、 直径越大,传导越慢 B、 无髓鞘的神经纤维传导速度快 C、 髓鞘越厚,传导越慢 D、 一定范围内升高温度可加快传导 E、 麻醉不影响传导速度生理学
  • [单选题] ( ) shoud be done by menmber of the host team when people welcome a visitor at the airport A.Embracing B.Individual introductions C.Hand shaking D.Exchange business cards商务英语
  • [单选题] We would like to ( )you a discount ( )5%, if your order exceeds USD$1,000. A.give/ to B.give/of C.allow/ to D.allow/of商务英语
  • (单选题) The scientists made the deduction that the Iceman ( ) A、was probably in some kind of a battle.B、was hit in the shoulder by an arrowhead.C、had got a wound on the back of his head.D、had a tiny hole in his skin causing his death.大学英语1
  • 以下选项中,( )是不正确的 C 语言字符型常量。(A) 'a' (B) 'x41' (C) '101' (D) "a"C++程序设计