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 高等继续教育 / 统考英语阅读理解

29、Peter liked music very much when he was at school, but when he went to the university, he decided to study medicine instead. After he passed the examinations and became a doctor, he had to work in a hospital for some time. There he discovered that a lot of patients were happier and less worried about their illnesses if they could hear pleasant music. When Peter became a surgeon and began to work for himself, he decided to keep his patients happy by having a tape recorder in his waiting room, playing beautiful music for them.
But soon after the tape recorder was put in the waiting room, Peter's nurse heard a woman who was sitting in the crowded waiting room one morning complain, "Here we're all waiting to see the doctor, and he's just playing the piano in his office instead of doing his work!"
  • ______表现为能否自觉的控制自己的情绪,约束自己的行为。小学儿童的这一意志品质发展是稳定的、迅速的,但总体水平并不高。低、中年级的儿童还不能有力地排除______的影响,特别是______的干扰。小学儿童心理学
  • 26.下列哪项不是心脏向心性肥大的特点 A、 A.肌纤维变粗 B、 B.室壁增厚 C、 C.心腔无明显扩大 D、 D.心肌纤维呈串联性增大 E、 E.室腔直径与室壁厚度比值小于正常病理生理学
  • [翻译题] 1,飞行员;引航员; 2,盘子,盆子; 3,民意调查;投票选举; 4,压(力);压力; 5,预防;阻碍; 6,优先,优先权;, 7,专业的;专业性的; 8,精神病专家,精神病医生; 9,心理学研究者, 10,购买,购置; 11,资格,授权; 12,推荐;劝告; 13,新兵; 14,拒绝,回绝; 15,放弃,让与; 16,营救,救援, 17,求助,凭借, 18,时刻表,进度表; 19,安全;保证, 20, 寻找,探寻;大学英语2
  • 信息来源有()、()、()、大众来源、商业来源。A、个人体验B、记忆C、影视作品D、人际关系E、电脑网络消费者行为学
  • 实数集合里,a =0,f (x,y)=x-y,F(x,y): x=y, G(x,y): x<y。公式“xy(F(f(x,y),a) G(x,y))”的真值: A、 0 B、 1 C、 2 D、 不确定离散数学(上)
  • 使用windows系统自带的“TrueType造字程序”造字后,应使用哪种输入法将其输入到word中( ) 现代教育技术