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 高等继续教育 / 护理英语II

How long is the recovery time from a free flap procedure?
Less than 3 weeks.
3 to 4 weeks.
At least 6 to 8 weeks.
As long as 4 months.

  • 简述行政监督区别于其他监督的表现。行政管理学
  • 《中华人民共和国宪法》是我们国家的根本大法,是治国安邦的总章程,也是我国社会主义现代化的历史经验的总结。遵循《宪法》确定的基本原则,借鉴我国人民的历史经验,是我们做好各项工作的依据,发展高等教育事业也不例外。教育法学
  • 2、Kay James, Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the Virginia state government, loves to turn the tables on those who don’t think it’s possible to be middle-class, conservation, educated and still be truly black. Once, during an abortion debate, a woman in the audience angrily told James she was so middle-class she didn’t have a clue about real African-American life. “If you understood what these women go through,” the woman said, “you would realize that abortion is their only choice.”     James then asked the woman to consider a poor black mother on welfare. She already has four children and an alcoholic husband who has all but abandoned the family. Now she discovers another child is on the way. “How would you counsel that woman?” asked James.     “Have an abortion,” the woman responded. “That child would have a very poor quality of life.”     “I have a vested interest in your answer,” James said. “The woman I described was my mother. I was the fifth of six children born into poverty. And, in case you’re interested, the quality of my life in just fine!” 1. Kay James _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .    A. is not a black                             B. is a poor black mother    C. has five brothers and sister                  D. has a hard life 2. “To turn the tables” means _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .    A. to move the tables    B. to carry the tables away    C. to gain courage    D. to gain an advantage after having been at a disadvantage 3. James’ father _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .    A. divorced his wife     B. liked to drink      C. deserted his family     D. B and C 4. James’ mother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .    A. was educated        B. was conservative        C. was poor        D. A and B 5. James’ family led a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ life when she was born.    A. miserable           B. happy             C. well-off             D. hardly英语(二)
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