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 国家开放大学 / 金融学


  • 84、DMS系统的自动减负荷应通过                 。电力系统自动化
  • Individual characteristic, growth, and rate of maturation are affected by ( ).护理英语II
  • 82[单选题] PowerPoint中,若希望将D:picture.jpg图片文件作为幻灯片的背景, 在 _______ 进行操作。 A.直接插入图画文件作为背景 B.设置背景→填充效果→图片中选择 C.设置背景→填充效果→图案中选择 D.设置背景→渐变效果→纹理中选择计算机基础
  • 游客走失后导游人员应做的工作包括导游业务
  • 描述式讲解是教学中运用于内容陈述、细节描述、形象分析、材料显示等的讲解类型。叙描式讲解可分为描述式讲解和______讲解两种。课堂教学技能培养与训练
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解 “Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather,” Englishmen often say. This shows that what happens in England is not the same as what happens elsewhere and its truth can soon be found by any foreigner who stays in the country for longer than a few days. It has been said only in England can one experience four seasons in a day! Day may begin as a balmy spring morning; an hour later black clouds may have appeared from nowhere and the rain may be pouring down. At midday conditions may be really like winter with the temperature down by about eight degrees or more. And then, in the late afternoon the sky will clear, the sun will begin to shine, and for an hour or two before darkness falls, it will be summer.In England one can experience almost every kind of weather except the most extreme. Some foreigners seem to have the impression that for ten months of the year the country is covered by a thick fog; this is not true. The problem is that we never can be sure when the different kinds of weather will happen. Not only do we get several different kinds of weather in one day, but we may have winter in summer and summer in winter. The foreigner may laugh when he sees the Englishman setting out on a sunny morning wearing a raincoat or carrying an umbrella, but he may regret his laughter later in the day!基础英语I