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 国家开放大学 / 综合英语(2)

 The author mentions all of the following techniques for adults to share with their children’s curiosity except that adults should         .

a. tell their children stories instead of reciting (背诵) facts
b.offer their children chances to see things for themselves
c.be patient enough when their children answer questions
d.encourage their children to ask questions of their own
  • 在单缝夫琅和费衍射中,与低级数的衍射条纹相比,高级数的衍射条纹对应着单缝处的半波带数() 大学物理
  • 企业开具增值税专用发票的时限为(     )。 财会法规与职业道德
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  • 三腔共鸣指( )共鸣。口腔、胸腔、鼻腔口腔、胸腔、头腔腹腔、鼻腔、头腔口腔、腹腔、鼻腔教师口语
  • ( )有助于个案过程的顺利进行和个案目标的达成。a.对青少年服务对象的评估b.专业关系c.服务对象的改变动机和参与d.个案服务计划青少年社会工作
  • 企业已完成销售手续但购买方在月末尚未提取的商品,不应确认收入的实现。 财务会计