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 国家开放大学 / 会计操作实务


  • 10、Many of the older people at Ellen Hospital were lonely. No one came to see them and they had no one to _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ . Linda who worked at the hospital had an idea. Most people like dogs. She would _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ a dog to the hospital. Maybe some of the older people would like it as a pet. Linda took the dog to the hospital.It was called “Dr. Duffy”. _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ it was allowed to walk around the hospital. Linda was right. The older people _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ the dog. They enjoyed petting it and talking to it. Over the years, Dr. Duffy and other _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ have made the older people much happier.统考英语完型填空
  • 借贷资本本质上是一种生息资本。(A) 对 (B) 错金融学
  • 下列不是曲面立体术语的是( )。(A) 素线 (B) 纬圆 (C) 椭圆 (D) 轴线工程图学
  • 58、______的成功,标志着计算机网络的发展进入了一个新纪元,使计算机网络的概念发生了根本性的变化,被认为是Internet的前身。 A.IPv4 B.TCP/IP C.IPv6 D.ARPANET计算机统考
  • 1∶2是()的比例。 实用电子工程制图
  • 下列各项中,采用定额税率征收消费税的是( )(A) 香烟 (B) 化妆品 (C) 玉石 (D) 啤酒经济法