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 高等继续教育 / 电子商务英语

电子商务英语句子翻译:the e-business in the title is not the same as IBM is seeing it, it is much more, as you will discover by reading this book, therefore the “B” in e-business not written in capital letters as in IBM’s ease.
电子商务专业电子商务英语句子翻译:the e-business in the title is not the same as IBM is seeing it, it is much more, as you will discover by reading this book, therefore the “B” in e-business not written in capital letters as in IBM’s ease.

  • 20[单选题] 取得补缺基点的主要战略是( )。 A.专业化营销 B.差异化营销 C.强势化营销 D.低成本化营销市场营销学
  • 不属于强心药的药物有: A、 地高辛   B、 肾上腺素     C、  毒毛花苷K  D、 洋地黄毒苷   E、 氨力农临床药理学
  • 计划的最终决策权在()学校管理学
  • 太溪穴的大体位置在 a. 足底部b. 腰部c. 足跟腱附近 d.颈项处老年人中医体质辨识与调理
  • 8、亲自,亲身大学英语
  • 4[填空题] 报告文学的实效性是指         、广泛的、强烈的社会反响。河南理工大学