1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 先进制造技术
 高等继续教育 / 先进制造技术

题型描述: 单选题

先进制造技术作为一个专用名词,是在 首次提出的。

  • P、Q平面的水平投影应标记为(   )。 工程制图基础
  • 35、PowerPoint2010 编辑幻灯片中插入的表格时,单击表格工具,可以设置 ________. A.动画、审阅 B.插入一行表格 C.设计、切换 D.幻灯片放映计算机统考
  • 59、采煤工作面向大巷方向后退式推进,即采用(   )开采。 A、 俯斜 B、 仰斜 C、 炮采煤矿开采学
  • 造纸术和印刷术的发明和应用,促进了世界广告业的发展进程,请问造纸和活字印刷术分别于我国哪个朝代发明的( )。(A) 南朝和北朝 (B) 南北朝和东汉 (C) 东汉和唐朝 (D) 东汉和北宋广告学
  • 23、What do we know about the sea? We know that it looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it. We also learn that it can be very terrible when there is a strong wind. What _ _ 21 _ _ things do we know about it? The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big. Look at the map of the world, there is _ _ 22 _ _ sea than land. The sea covers three quarters of the world. Some parts of the sea _ _ 23 _ _ very shallow. But some places are very deep. There is one place near Japan. It is nearly 11 kilometers deep. The _ _ 24 _ _ mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If we put the mountain into the sea at that place, there would be 2 kilometers of water above it! The sea is salty. There is one sea called the Dead Sea. It is very salty. It is _ _ 25 _ _ salty that swimmers cannot sink! Fish cannot live in the Dead Sea.统考英语完型填空
  • 同样位数的D/A转换器,在双极性输出幅值与单极性幅值相同的情况下,前者分辨率 降低了。计算机控制系统