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 国家开放大学 / 公务员制度讲座


  • 采用现浇水泥混凝土路面和沥青混凝土路面;平整、耐压、耐磨,适于通行车辆或人流集中的公园主路和出入口的园路为( )。 (A)整体路面(B)块料路面(C)碎料路面(D)简易路面[参考答案:A]  分值:5得分: 分 系统自动批改于2021年3月4日 0点37分 园林工程
  • 194、计算机网络的目标是实现______。 A.数据处理 B.文献检索 C.资源共享和信息传输 D.信息传输计算机统考
  • 有些寄生虫既可营自由生活,又能营寄生生活,可偶然被食入,或经伤口,或经身体其它开口进入人体寄生,这种寄生虫称 A、 兼性寄生虫 B、 专性寄生虫 C、 机会寄生虫 D、 永久性寄生虫 E、 偶然寄生虫病原生物学
  • Mum: Susan, come and meet aunt Amy’s daughter, Catherine.  Susan: Hi, Catherine, nice to meet you.  Catherine: 大学英语
  •  – You mean she decided to take a two-week vacation---starting today? I didn’t know that. –                                                .a.Well, she only decided at the last minute.b.Really? I thought you’d be excited about itc.No, I don’t, but that’s a good question.综合英语(2)
  • 2. When Amelia Earhart saw flames coming from the engine, what did she do?a.She did nothing but pray for herself.b.She changed her direction and landed in Ireland.c.She continued flying.d.She lost hope of reaching land.综合英语(2)