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 成人高等教育 / 西方文化入门

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the

 UK economy? 

  • A、

    Britain remains one of the Group of Seven large

    industrial economies.

  • B、

    Britain has experienced a relative economic decline

    since 1945.

  • C、

    There has been a period of steady decreasing of 

    living standards. 

  • D、

    Some smaller economies have overtaken the UK

    in terms of output per capita.

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  • 古希腊开论证几何学先河的是()(泰勒斯) A.柏拉图学派 B.欧几里得学派 C.爱奥尼亚学派 D.毕达哥拉斯学派 E.数学发展史
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