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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

  • 副交感神经兴奋可引起 A、 瞳孔扩大 B、 糖原分解 C、 胃肠运动增强 D、 骨骼肌血管舒张 E、 竖毛肌收缩生理学
  • 低层视觉内容不包括() A、 颜色 B、 纹理 C、 形状 D、 时间口腔内科学
  • 6、What is the best way to learn a language? We should remember that we learned our own language well when we were children. If we could learn a second language in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. Think of what a small child does. He listens to what people say and tries to imitate what he hears. When he wants something he has to ask for it. He is using the language,talking in it,thinking in it all the time. If people had to use a second language all the time, they would learn it quickly. We learn our own language by hearing people speak it,not by seeing what they write. We imitate what we hear. In school,though you learn to read and write as well as to hear and speak,it is best to learn all the new words through the ear. You can read them,spell them and write them later.统考英语阅读理解
  • 编制利润表主要是依据 ()。 (A) 资产、负债及所有者类各账户的本期发生额 (B) 损益类各账户的期末余额 (C) 损益类各账户的本期发生额 (D) 资产、负债及所有者权益类各账户的期末余额会计学原理
  • 术前患者对护士说:“我从没开过刀,好害怕呀!”护士回答说:“我理解你现在的心情,如果是我可能也会害怕,但是……”,这位护士主要运用了语言沟通技巧中的 A、 提问 B、 倾听 C、 同情 D、 共情护士人文修养
  • CAD是计算机主要应用领域之一,其含义是_____。 计算机应用基础