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 国家开放大学 / 商务英语3


The Basics of Import and Export

Importing and exporting is transferring goods from one country to another while paying attention to the laws and requirements of bringing goods out or into that country. If you want to import in large quantities for commercial purposes, you’ll need to have the consent of the local customs department and the right paperwork. Import and export are the basics of international trade. If you are looking forward to starting your own business in the field of importing and exporting business then here are some tips for starters.

Foreign embassies provide nice programs and a great deal of information about their goods to promote exporting. You can find out exactly what it is you are looking to buy. If you are exporting, you can approach your local department of trade and see what plans they have on offer to promote exports. Besides, you should consult the tax department to find out if there is a particular process to setting up an importing and exporting company and what documentation you will require. It is also necessary that you find out about any licensing requirements for importing and exporting of goods. Some countries do not allow their goods to go to a certain country and vice versa, this is known as an embargo. In this way, you can make sure that there are no embargoes with the country you are looking to trade with.


1. International trade refers to both import and export.


2. Only after the local customs department agrees, could you start your own business in the field of import and export.


3. Foreign embassies do nothing to help promote exporting. 


4. If you are exporting, you can turn to no one for help. 


5. Some countries do not allow their goods to go to a certain country. 


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