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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

  • 用于鉴别硝酸盐的试剂有A、硫酸B、铜丝C、醋酸铅D、硫酸亚铁药物检测技术
  • Which country _ _ _ _ _ _ she go to if she _ _ _ _ _ _ to attend the meeting? 大学英语(2)
  • 砖拱过梁一般有平拱和弧拱两种。平拱砖过梁的跨度不应超过() 建筑识图与构造
  • 11、Last Tuesday I took my two daughters, aged five and seven, to town by car. It began to rain hard, so I decided I would leave the children in the car _ _ _ 21 _ _ _ I rushed into a shop. I warned the girls not to touch anything and told them I would be _ _ _ 22 _ _ _ within a few minutes. Then I locked all the doors and left them happily looking out of the window. I returned to the car in less than five minutes but the girls had disappeared! I could hardly believe my _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ . The car doors were still locked, the windows tightly shut and on the back seat _ _ _ 24 _ _ _ only two coats. Being frightened, I ran to the corner of the street where there was no sign of them. I _ _ _ 25 _ _ _ up to an old lady nearby and asked whether she had seen two small girls, but she said "No".统考英语完型填空
  • 股份有限公司的资本筹集方式是( )(A)资本积聚(B)资本积累(C)资本借贷(D)发行股票[参考答案:D]  分值:2得分: 分 系统自动批改于2020年12月25日 23点20分 政治经济学
  • Wor2003中插入剪贴画的默认方式为( )。(A) 浮动式 (B) 嵌入式 (C) 上下型环绕式 (D) 四周型环绕式计算机应用基础