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 河南成教 / 普通逻辑学






  • 为贯彻《保护臭氧层维也纳公约》而制定的议定书是 A.《京都议定书》 B.《卡塔赫纳议定书》 C.《蒙特利尔议定书》 D.《赫尔辛基规则》 E.环境法学
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解In a job interview, the first question is often a “breaking the ice” type of question. Don’t be surprised if the interviewer asks you something like: “How are you today?” or “What do you think of the weather lately?” Answer the question without going into too much detail. Talking about qualifications is the most important part of any job interview. Your qualifications include your education and any special training you may have received in the past. Your qualifications also include your experience in any previous work. It is important to explain what experience you have in detail. Generally, employers want to know exactly what you did and how well you accomplished your tasks. This is not the time to be modest. Try to avoid some big mistakes in the job interview, such as leaving the mobile on and criticizing previous bosses. The worst thing is you yourself have no questions. Having no questions shows you are either not interested or not prepared. Remember that interviewers are more impressed with the questions you ask than the selling points you try to make. (181 words)1、 The passage is mainly about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. some common mistakes found in job interviews B. Do’s and Don’ts in job interviews C. importance of interviewees’ qualifications in job interviews D. the typical questions asked in job interviews 2、 A “breaking the ice” type of question is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. an opening question asked to make people less nervous B. a sharp question that makes people angry C. a question that makes people unhappy D. a question asked about serious topics 3、 All of the following are considered to be the interviewee’s qualifications except _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. social background B. all kinds of special training received C. educational background D. experience in previous work 4、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is not mentioned in the passage as a mistake found in job interviews. A. Having no questions B. Arriving late C. Leaving the mobile on D. Criticizing previous bosses 5、 If an interviewee has no question in the job interview, it may show he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. has good manners B. is not interested or not prepared C. is modest D. is familiar with the job统考英语B
  • 6[单选题] Rmoss等通过实验认为()的废油蜡更利于作溶剂。 A.高芳香性低挥发性低粘度 B.高芳香性高挥发性低粘度 C.高芳香性高挥发性 D.氧煤化工工艺学
  • 交强险财产损失“互碰自赔”处理的时候,简述有哪些注意事项事故双方自行协商处理交通事故的,应尽可能对双方车辆进行查勘、比对碰撞痕迹;保险车辆在异地发生互碰事故,适用车主地保险行业协会、交管部门出台的相关规定,应由车主地交警处理,并出具《事故责任认定书》,或由保险公司查勘第一现场,方可按“互碰自赔”方式赔偿。双方车号、交强险保险人需明确。建立交强险信息平台的地区,应及时将相关出险、赔付数据上传至交强险信息平台。 各保险公司应加强对事故真实性的勘查。保险车辆在异地发生互碰事故,适用出险地保险行业协会、交管部门出台的相关规定。应由当地交警处理,并出具《事故责任认定书》,或由保险公司查勘第一现场,方可按“互碰自赔”方式赔偿。双方车号、交强险保险人需明确。事故对方车辆不明确的,应按找不到第三方处理。建立交强险信息平台的地区,应及时将相关出险、赔付数据上传至交强险信息平台。 各保险公司应加强对事故真实性的勘查。保险车辆在异地发生互碰事故,适用出险地保险行业协会、交管部门出台的相关规定。应由当地交警处理,并出具《事故责任认定书》,或由保险公司查勘第一现场,方可按“互碰自赔”方式赔偿。建立交强险信息平台的地区,应及时将相关出险、赔付数据上传至交强险信息平台。 事故双方自行协商处理交通事故的,应尽可能对双方车辆进行查勘、比对碰撞痕迹;保险车辆在异地发生互碰事故,适用当地保险行业协会、交管部门出台的相关规定,应由当地交警处理,并出具《事故责任认定书》,或由保险公司查勘第一现场,方可按“互碰自赔”方式赔偿。建立交强险信息平台的地区,应及时将相关出险、赔付数据上传至交强险信息平台。汽车保险与理赔(本)
  • 一般来说,文件名及属性可以收纳在 ()中以便查找 操作系统原理
  • 背景资料调查不仅包括纸笔测验,而且包括面试,与过去的雇主、邻居以及证明人进行书面和口头的交流获取资料信息。人员测评