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 成人高等教育 / 大学英语1

After driving for thirty miles, she suddenly realized that she ()in the wrong direction.
  • A、
    was driving
  • B、
    has been driving
  • C、
    had been driving
  • D、
  • We can hear _ _ _ _ from the back of the room. 学位英语
  • 随着预算期间业务量变动而变动的能适应多种业务量水平的预算叫现金预算 管理会计
  • 多媒体软件可分为( )。 多媒体技术基础及应用
  • For the success of the project , the company should _ _ _ _ _ the most of the opportunities at hand. 大学英语(上)
  • 受盘人如果在实质上变更了发盘条件,其法律后果是否定了原发盘,原发盘即告失效,原发盘人不再受其约束。 ( ) 国际贸易实务
  • 下列哪项不代表多重指针() C++面向对象程序设计