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  • 下列不属于车辆调度的基本原则的是()。 A.服务性原则 B.安全第一、质量第一原则 C.计划性原则 D.合理性原则 E.null F.null G.null H.null物流管理
  • ( )是社会公平的重要基础,要不断促进教育发展成果更多更公平惠及全体人民,以教育公平促进社会公平正义。教育公平 公平观念 政治民主 分配公平习近平总书记教育重要论述研究
  • 题型描述: 阅读理解Four decades ago, traditional women’s magazines such as Good Housekeeping and Family Circle talked to women as though they were children who needed to learn the basics of how to care for their families. Today, magazines do not do this. However, they still tend to define the female role in terms of homemaking and motherhood, and to offer beauty advice to help women attract men and please husbands. There are now a few less traditional magazines such as Ms. that show women in a range of roles and that cover a much wider range of topics. Television commercials have also, until recently, presented women primarily as sex objects and as housewives. Young sexy women were shown admiring older men who smoked a particular cigarette brand. Housewives were shown smiling joyfully about their clean bathrooms, or looking guilty for not using the right laundry soap to wash their husband’s clothes. These days advertisers are more careful about the way they present women, and they are presented in a variety of roles. However, it is still quite common to see advertisements where beautiful young women are dressed in sexy clothes to sell cars or other products. One study also found that the changes are mainly on nighttime television, with daytime commercials still tending to portray women doing household chores. Prime-time television programs also often used to stereotype women. In past decades, women were usually portrayed as lovers, as mothers, or as weak, passive girlfriends of powerful, effective men. Today’s TV programs are somewhat different. Women are more likely to be presented as successful and able to support themselves and their families, but the traditional stereotypes of women are still there. Even when women are depicted as career women, the storylines suggest that they should be sexy as well.1、 What makes Ms. different from other womenˊs magazines? A. Ms. offers women tips of caring for their families. B. Ms. is the type of women’s magazines that dominates now. C. Ms. treats women as adults who need to learn about being a mother. D. Ms. is interested in a wider range of women’s role. 2、 The best title for this passage is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. Influence of Mass Media in Our Lives B. Gender Roles in the Media C. Womenˊs Magazines and Televisions D. Different Types of Media 3、 It can be inferred that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ might be a new type of women image on the television commercials. A. career women who enjoys her career success B. happy mothers doing the household chores C. guilty wives who don’t use the right soap D. young beautiful women dressed in sexy clothes 4、 From the context we know “to stereotype women” (Line 1, Paragraph 4) refers to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A. to portray women in some different ways B. to depict women as successful and able to support themse C. to tag on women some fixed roles and images D. to portray women as successful professionals 5、 Which of the following statement do you think the writer would least agree with in terms of the media’s attitude towards women? A. The mass media always presents to us a variety of women images as they are in daily life. B. The limited images of women mass media presented to the audience through mass media have influenced the way the audience think and behave. C. The mass media focuses womenˊs roles in life as a mother more than as a professional. D. The way mass media define women has changed as time goes by.统考英语A
  • 以下输入法中属于键盘输入法的是() 计算机应用基础
  • 11、IPv4地址有____位二进制数组成,理论上IPv4地址总数量是2的____次方。 A.16 32 B.32 16 C.32 32 D.128 128计算机统考
  • 案例三 3岁的琪琪经常会咬同伴。了解她的家庭情况后,老师排除了攻击型的家庭教养方式。经过一天不同时间段、不同类型的几次观察后,老师发现:琪琪咬同伴的行为发生在别人身体离她过近的时候,参观者走进教室的时候,教室过于吵闹的时候,衣服标签令她烦扰的时候,还有从教室转到大游戏场的时候。 针对案例三中琪琪的问题,教师的正确做法是(  )。 a.采取措施让琪琪所在的生活环境更加舒适,尽量减少过度刺激,同时教给琪琪一些沟通方式和适宜的应对技能来保护她远离过度刺激。b.为保护其他幼儿不受伤害,请家长带琪琪回家,待其改掉咬人习惯后再回幼儿园。c.琪琪咬人是其生理不成熟造成的,随着生理发育日趋成熟,咬人行为会自然消失,所以教师不必进行特别的干预。d.运用相关后果法、惩罚法等方法矫正琪琪的咬人行为。学前儿童社会教育