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 国家开放大学 / 教师口语

“活”和“活儿”两个词( )。
  • 31、Until a few years ago, vans were commercial vehicles used mostly by business firms as delivery trucks. Today, the van has become a palace on wheels. It is a place where the owner of a van, called vanner, can relax, visit with good friends, eat, drink, sleep and even watch television. A van may often look like an art museum on wheels. The exterior of vans is a visual feast of colors and styles. Many vans have paintings of various kinds on the sides. Each van is decorated and finished to reflect the personality of its owner. The most luxurious(豪华的)van has TV, a refrigerator and a sink, etc. Some even have paintings on the walls. Van is very popular with young married couples with small children, and with young people, such as high school and university students. The latter frequently use their vans for traveling parties, often going from place to place, or city to city, gathering friends along the way. In 1966 there were about 190,000 vans registered in US. By 1976 sales of vans were more than 2 million a year. What is the reason for van boom(快速发展)? Freedom and chance to be with other people are some of most often expressed reasons.统考英语阅读理解
  • 关于噬菌体的叙述,下列哪项是错误的: A、 是侵袭细菌的病毒 B、 有严格的宿主特异性 C、 由核酸和蛋白质组成 D、 含有DNA和RNA两种核酸 E、 对理化因素的抵抗力比一般细菌强病原生物学
  • 设 A={1, 2, 4, 6}, 则关系 R={<x, y>|x, y∈Ax/y∈A}等于: A、 A×A - {<1,1>};   B、 {<1,2>,<2,1>};   C、 {<1,1>,<2,2>,<4,4>,<6,6>,<2,1>,<4,2>,<4,1>};   D、 {<1,2>,<2,2>,<4,2>,<6,2>}.离散数学(上)
  • 张某死亡时遗留下的遗产有近30万元,他尚有妻子、儿子、哥哥、孙子、媳妇等亲属,张某未留有遗嘱,只有媳妇和孙子不享有继承权 ,其余人都享有继承权。 实用法律基础
  • 关于儿童腹泻病的治疗原则以下哪项不正确( )。A、口服肠黏膜保护剂B、加强护理,防止并发症C、纠正水电解质紊乱D、严格禁食E、对症治疗儿科护理学(护理本)
  • The imbalance between males and females could _ _ _ _ _ _ serious consequences. (A) change into (B) lead to (C) turn to (D) develop into大学英语(四)