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 国家开放大学 / 社会学概论

(      )是指一个人通过世袭得到其于社会分层体系中所处的位置,是从出生起就被赋予的无法改变的社会地位。
  • 将数字证书放在卡中,就相当于电子身份证正确错误电子商务与金融
  • 我国现行营业税的税率形式为( )。税务会计
  • 片剂单剂量包装主要采用药剂学
  • 10[填空题] 荨麻疹常见于( )河南理工大学
  • 12[单选题] It was about 150 years ago ( ) Dalton put forward the important idea. A.when B.that C.at which D.当代英语语法概论
  • 7[单选题] They are a reminder that great powers should steer ________ small wars and concentrate on strategic tasks which maximize long-term benefit to themselves and the world. A.clear of B.lack of C.far away D.clear up大学英语(3)