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 成人高等教育 / 西方文化入门

The first English permanent settlement was founded in California.

  • A、正确
  • B、错误
  • 社会保险是国家在劳动者中断工作后给予的经济补助,使他们享有基本生活条件的一项社会保障制度。()社会福利与保障
  • (单选题) Based on this passage, the author intends to tell us that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A、online learning is the perfect option for everyoneB、no one would like to enroll at a traditional schoolC、learners must consider whether they have the qualities to attend online classes before making their decisionD、online learning will take the place of traditional school in future大学英语3
  • (多选题) 导致市场失灵的原因有( )。 A、公共物品B、 产品无差异C、垄断D、外部影响E、非对称信息经济学
  • 2.  –                                                 .   – Not offhand. You can look it up in the phone book though.a.Excuse me. Do you happen to know the time? b.Do you by any chance know the country code for Korea?c.Do you happen to know where Tahiti is? 综合英语(2)
  • [单选题] 《楚辞》是继《诗经》之后,屈原采集整理楚国民歌的结构形式和方言土韵所作的诗集。其中的( )是一部结构宏大的歌舞乐章。 A.《九歌》 B.《诗经》 C.《楚辞》 D.《湘夫人》合唱与指挥
  • 下列选项中,不可以申请行政复议的是( )(A) 内部行政行为 (B) 调节民事纠纷的行为 (C) 行政法规、规章等抽象行政行为 (D) 国防外交等国家行为 (E) 行政仲裁行为行政法