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  • A、
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  • 百日维新失败后,拒绝出走日本的劝告,并坦然表示“各国变法,无不从流血而成;今日中国未闻有因变法而流血者,此国之所以不昌也”的是()。 中国近现代史纲要
  • 2[阅读题]  How can you get travel information?    There are several ways you can find out the countries and places you wish to visit. If your friends have been there,you can talk to them. They may give you detailed and vivid descriptions about the places. Most important of all, they can offer some valuable advice for the trip. For example, which part is more interesting than others? How can you enjoy yourself better? What should you pay more attention to? The advice is all from their own experience.    Another way is to consult a travel agency. An experienced agent may offer you a lot of information. Above all, they are always ready to help.    Besides, you can also read travel books. They are helpful too. Sometimes, they are better than a friend or a travel agency, because you can always read them whenever you want..    Decide the best answer from each group of choices according to the passage.16.When people are planning a tour, they can _________ for information about the places they wish to visit.                                                                          A. talk to a friend                 B. read a travel bookC. go to a travel agency     D. do all of the above17.The word consult in para.2 means ______.                                A. give information         B. give adviceC. ask for advice             D. ask for a travel book18.The advantage of consulting a travel agency is that _____ .                  A. any agent can give you a lot of informationB. they are always ready to help  C. the agents are all experiencedD. their service is free of charge19. A travel book is sometimes better than a friend or a travel agency, because___. A. it gives you more information                B. it is cheap to get one   C. you can read it whenever you want      D. you can get it everywhere20.Which statement is not true?                                           A. Friends may give you detailed and vivid descriptions about the placesB. A travel book is sometimes better than a friend or a travel agencyC. Travel agencies are not ready to help.D. You can read a travel book whenever you want. 英语 C(二)
  • 1[多选题] 无论设立何种公司,章程的绝对必要记载事项必须包括(  )。 A.公司名称 B.公司住所 C.公司经营范围 D.公司股东人数 E.公司注册资本数公司法
  • 初等数论
  • 水痘患者身上可见丘疹、疱疹和痂盖同时存在。皮疹在躯干、腰、头部、头皮多见。四肢稀少,呈向心性分布。正确错误婴幼儿营养与保育
  • PPTP、L2TP和L2F隧道协议属于()协议 网络设备管理