1.  >>  河南成教 / 和声学
 河南成教 / 和声学

  • 工作时既承受弯矩又承受转矩的轴,称为( ) A.传动轴 B.转轴 C.心轴 D. E.机械设计基础
  • 21[填空题] 倾听的障碍因素主要来自于倾听环境、()和信息三方面。
  • [计算题] 某机器设备的年收益额,第一年为4000元,此后直至第10年,逐年递增1000元,若投资收益率为15%,试计算该设备的收益现值。工程经济
  • 动点作直线运动,其法向加速度为零。工程力学(汽车)
  • 20[阅读题] Then where are our relatives? My father? Our family friends? You claim the rights of a mother: the right to call me fool and child; to speak to me as no woman in authority over me at college dare speak to me; to dictate my way of life; and to force on me the acquaintance of a brute whom anyone can see to be the most vicious sort of Lodon man about town. Before I give myself the trouble to resist such claims, I may as well find out whether they have any real existence. Questions: A. From which work is this quotation taken? B. Which character is speaking? C. What does this work expose? 美国文学作品选读
  • 没有法定或约定义务而为他人管理事务的行为是( ) 无因管理 不当得利 善意取得 侵权行为法学概论