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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

36、在Excel 2010中,如果只需要清除被选定的单元格区域中的格式,则应执行的操作是______。
  • 如果希望所有的控件在界面上均匀排列,应使用下列哪种布局管理器(A) CardLayou (B) FlowLayout (C) BorderLayout (D) GridLayoutJAVA语言
  • 具有如下化学结构的药物的名称为A、米托蒽醌B、长春瑞滨C、甲氨喋呤D、羟基喜树碱药物化学
  • 常见非单元式保护有( )。A、 方向比较式横联保护 B、 距离横联保护的电流差动保护C、 方向比较式纵联保护 D、距离纵联保护的电流差动保护电力系统继电保护
  • 陈某在得知父亲罹患恶性肿瘤晚期时,选择遵从父亲的意愿,放弃治疗,让其安享最后人生。其父已从医生处得知自己疾病的情况,向其母交代,如果自己出现昏迷或者呼吸心跳停止,不要采取任何抢救措施,适当镇静催眠让其安详地离开人世。根据医学伦理学的知识,以下选项哪项最正确:(  ) A、                                                允许陈某的父亲选择安乐死,他符合安乐死的条件 B、 不采取任何抢救措施违背了医学伦理学不伤害的原则 C、                                                若患者昏迷或者呼吸心跳停止,医生仍应干预并抢救 D、 陈某的父亲有权利做出放弃治疗的选择医学伦理学
  • 柱的轴力越大,柱的延性越差。(A)对(B)错[参考答案:A]  分值:4得分: 分 系统自动批改于2021年3月7日 0点23分 建筑结构
  • 9、The game of football began in England in the middle of the nineteenth century. But the Chinese played a game _ _ 21 _ _ football over 2000 years ago. In the beginning, it was very _ _ 22 _ _ and dangerous. There were not a fixed number of players and there was always a lot of fighting. In 1863 the Football Association was founded to bring _ _ 23 _ _ to the game. Since then, millions have played football, making it the world's most _ _ 24 _ _ sport. It's the strongest in Europe and South America, but it is popular in Africa as well and now is played also by women; women's football is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. The World Cup is the most important _ _ 25 _ _ in international football. The competition is held every four years at different countries around the world. The first competition was held in 1930 and the winner was Uruguay(乌拉圭).统考英语完型填空