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 高等继续教育 / 专科英语I

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A team of archaeologists (考古学家) has gone to New Mexico to look for proof of one of the greatest stories of the 20th century: the UFO crash at Roswell. William Foleman, an archaeologist at the University of New Mexico, agreed to excavate (发掘) the site where the UFO supposedly crashed in 1947. What exactly happened on the site is unclear. In 1947, a young man discovered some debris (碎片) on the field. After investigating the crash, the US Army announced they had recovered a “fly disc”. Several hours later, an Air Force general announced that the crash was caused by a weather balloon again. The field was closed off for several days while the military cleaned up the site. Believers claim that the military found a crashed UFO, along with several dead bodies at the site. This story has inspired countless books, movies and TV shows, but no one has been able to find any evidence to support it. In 1997, the Air Force said the weather balloon story was made up and that the military was actually conducting a crash-test program with balloons. But Foleman isn’t so sure. While he says he’s “Still uncertain” about UFOs, he knows that “something happened in July 1947”.
1.Some people believe a UFO _ _ _ _ _ _ at Roswell.
A. Landed
B. flew
C. crashed
D. disappeared
2.An archaeologist went to the site to look for _ _ _ _ _ _ .
A. fossils
B. aliens
C. evidence
D. Answers
3.In 1947 some debris (残骸) was found _ _ _ _ _ _ .
A. in a field
B. in a house
C. in a park
D. on a military base
4.The Air Force said the debris had come from a(an) _ _ _ _ _ _ .
A. plane
B. weather balloon
C. car
D. explosion
5.In 1997, the Air Force said their original story was _ _ _ _ _ _ .
A. False
B. exaggerated (夸张的)
C. unclear
D. true
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