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 高等继续教育 / 计算机统考

  • 论述社会主义改造的伟大意义中国近现代史纲要
  • 18、计算机安全属性中的可靠性是指_______。 A.计算机硬件系统在运行时要可靠 B.计算机软件系统在运行时要可靠 C.计算机运行期间不能掉电 D.系统在规定条件下和规定时间内完成规定的功能计算机统考
  • 汽车经济使用寿命的量标有( )。 二手车鉴定与评估
  • 属于膜迷路的结构是: 系统解剖学
  • 目前,世界地缘经济与政治重心“()”,“()”由过去的“西强东弱、西主东从”转向如今的“东西平视”,这堪称五百年未有之大变局。 形势与政策
  • 25、A young boy was playing with a ball in the street. He kicked it so hard that it broke the window of a house and fell in. A woman came to the window with the ball and shouted _ _ 21 _ _ him, so the young boy ran away, but he wanted his ball back. A few minutes later, he came back and knocked at the door of the house. When the woman opened the door, he said, "My father is going to come up and mend your window very soon." After a few minutes, a man came to the door _ _ 22 _ _ tool in his hand, so the woman let the boy take his ball away. When the man finished mending the _ _ 23 _ _ , he said to the woman "You have to _ _ 24 _ _ me ten pounds." "But aren't you the _ _ 25 _ _ of that boy?" the woman asked. She looked surprised. "No," he answered. He was surprised, too. "Aren't you his mother?"统考英语完型填空