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 国家开放大学 / 公司法

  • 27[填空题] 双代号网络中既有内向箭线又有外向箭线段的结点是(    )结点  。建设工程施工管理
  • 老师上课用的计算机辅助教学的软件是( ) 计算机语言与应用基础1
  • 提示 请从右侧拖入合适的答案 brain an organ of the body that controls thought and feeling mind the faculty of thinking, reasoning, or feeling memory the ability to remember identity the way a person is recognizable as a member of a particular group personality the qualities of a person specific to him or her insight the power of using one’s mind (especially the right brain) to understand something suddenly knowledge understanding that comes from experience and learning logic thinking and reasoning with formal methods peer a person of equal status or age co-worker a person who works in the same place as another 答案池 the ability to remember the power of using one’s mind (especially the right brain) to understand something suddenly the qualities of a person specific to him or her a person who works in the same place as another understanding that comes from experience and learning thinking and reasoning with formal methods an organ of the body that controls thought and feeling a person of equal status or age the faculty of thinking, reasoning, or feeling the way a person is recognizable as a member of a particular group高级英语阅读(2)
  • 曾为《山海经》作注的是()A、干宝B、张华C、郦道元D、郭璞中国古代文学(I)先唐
  • [论述题] 柴油机与汽油机在可燃混合气形成方式和点火方式上有何不同?它们所用的压缩比为何不一样?河南成教
  • 资本经营的目的是通过产权的流动和重组( )实现利润的最大化 实现快速扩张 剔除不良资产,提高竞争力 提高资本运营效率和效益资本经营